In a village around 30 kilometres from Kosovoâs capital, students and citizens flock daily to the countryâs first observatory and planetarium. Until last year, a small plot in the heart of Rashince in the...
Following reports that a 14-year-old girl was allegedly drugged and raped by five individuals in Prishtina, the Kosovo Womenâs Network, has called for immediate institutional action. The police and prosecutorâs office have initiated investigations...
A Kosovo lawyer has been sentenced to 150 days in prison for sending a message to journalist Vehbi Kajtazi, owner of news website Paparaci, threatening to douse him with gasoline. The Prishtina Basic Court...
Nuredin Ibishi told the Hague court that collaborators with Serbia’s regime had to be detained, as the information that flowed from them had ‘severe consequences’ for the KLA Nuredin Ibishi, a former member of...
Shtetet e Bashkuara kritikuan qeverinë e Serbisë për shkak të miratimit të një projektligji mbi juridiksionin gjyqësor serb në Kosovë për të cilin Bashkimi Evropian tha se paraqet shkelje të detyrimeve të Beogradit që...
Bashkimi Evropian i ka rikujtuar Kosovës se themelimi i Asociacionit të komunave me shumicë serbe është detyrim ende i papërmbushur, si zotim që ka dalë nga marrëveshja e 2013-s dhe se që atëherë Kosova...
A former KLA unit commander told the Hashim Thaci trial that certain KLA members considered everyone who did not follow them or even met with ethnic Serbs, collaborators of Serbiaâs regime, bolstering the prosecution...
Shtetet e Bashkuara kanë vendosur sanksione ndaj kompanisë serbe, Ventrade, dhe ndaj International Business Corporation Bar (IBC), me bazë në Mal të Zi, për shkak të eksportimit të mallrave me përdorim të dyfishtë në...
Kosovoâs announcement in mid-October that it will abolish visas for Bosnian citizens from January 1, 2025 is a dream come true for Morina and others like him, who currently have to pay to travel...