

open call for tender prequalification


As an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations, the federally owned Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂŒr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its development-policy objectives. It provides viable, forward-looking solutions for political, economic, ecological and social development in a globalised world. GIZ promotes complex reforms and change processes. Its corporate objective is to improve people’s living conditions on a sustainable basis.

Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂŒr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, is announcing as following:

The Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂŒr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. The project Green and Sustainable Municipalities – Integrated Waste Management and Circular Economy (Kosovo4Green) financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and implemented by GIZ, supports central government and municipalities in their ongoing efforts to modernize waste management and introduce circular waste management approaches in line with the Kosovo Integrated Waste Management Strategy (KIWMS) 2021-2030 and its two-year Action Plans.

The KIWMS provides a strategic approach for the transition of the waste management sector to circular economy, while protecting the public health and reducing environmental impacts from waste. The KIWMS addresses current shortfalls and constraints in the waste management sector in Kosovo by providing a set of strategic and specific objectives as well as introducing recycling and landfill diversion targets to prepare for alignment with EU directives. KIWMS considers the size of municipalities in Kosovo, therefore the quantities of waste, and sets forth the development of integrated regional reuse and recycling systems. As part of the process, municipalities have initiated joint planning processes and drafted intermunicipal integrated waste management plans (IIWMPs) for development more affordable joint regional waste management systems based on intermunicipal cooperation. Municipalities in Mitrovica South and Gjilan/Ferizaj waste management zones (WMZs) have drafted IIWMPs with support of GIZ and are now in the process of adopting IIWMPs at municipal assemblies and detailing out intermunicipal cooperation (IMC) agreements for implementation of regional plans.

The focus of this assignment is to support municipalities in the abovementioned WMZs in setting up intermunicipal cooperation for implementation of IIWMPs by detailing out IMC agreements and a setting up IMCA bodies in each WMZ for coordination and implementation of the IIWMPs.

In the efforts to promote intermunicipal cooperation envisaged in the KIWMS, the GIZ project “Kosovo4Green” invites qualified consulting companies to submit an expression of interest in developing IMC agreement and support initial implementation of IIWMPs in the two WMZs.

The checklist below provides further information about the conditions and expectations of the GIZ project. Based on responses to this Request for Information, GIZ will pre-qualify companies that will receive an Inquiry and will be formally invited to submit their offers with detailed specifications. Response to the RFI does not necessarily imply that the company will receive an offer for a contract for the assignment to develop IMC agreement and support municipalities with initial implementation of IIWMPs.

Based on the outcome of offers, GIZ will offer a framework contract to the selected company. Please note that all correspondence and dealing with the GIZ must be in English language.  


  • Proof of company’s legal status (registration and/or certification documentation, status), company details (name, postal address), date of incorporation within their initial response.
  • Companies should submit at least one (1) references of comparable services, which includes support to municipalities in setting up intermunicipal cooperation for joint implementation of a regional waste management plan.
  • Companies should submit at least one (1) reference of an intermunicipal cooperation agreement that they’ve produces in the last three years to five years to expand the field a little 

First step of the procedure

All legal entities interested in the application process should ask for application form to the address: [email protected] by 4th of June. All interested parties will receive all the necessary documentation.

Subsequent step in the selection procedure

  • First step: All EOIPs will be evaluated based on the technical criteria listed in the evaluation grid included in the EOIP.
  • Second Step: All entities that have passed the 1st round of evaluation will be invited to submit a technical and financial Offer
  • Third Step: Contract will be awarded to the applicant with the best technical and financial offer. Negotiations on the budget can take place before the contract is awarded.

Deadline & submission of documents 

Please, send an email to [email protected], to receive Expression of Interest  format with the technical evaluation grid. Deadline to require Application documents is 4th of June.

The deadline for submitting the application is 10th of June 2024

The documents should be submitted in pdf format via e-mail to: [email protected], with subject “83466309– EoI to develop IMC agreements and support Municipalities in Mitrovica and Gjilan, Ferizaj regions with implementation of IIWMPs”/ Company Name. 

All written communication for this procedure and the following successful ones must be in English.

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