Bota Kosova

“A masked person pointed a gun at me, but…”

How the assassination attempt on the party member in Leposavic failed, his testimony is revealed!

New details emerge from the shooting attack on Marko Jablanovic, a member of Nenad Rasic’s party.

He testified to the police that while entering a bar near him, he noticed a masked and armed person. According to him, the author pointed the gun at him but did not manage to shoot him.

“MURDER IN ATTEMPT – Leposavic 05.05.2024-00:01. The Kosovar male complainant reported that while he was entering a bar, he noticed a masked person near him with a gun in his hand, which he pointed at the victim, but failed to shoot. Police units went to the scene, while with the decision of the prosecutor, the case goes to regular procedure”, the police announced.

The Deputy Minister for Return to the Government of Kosovo, Radoica Radomirovic, has written in a post on Facebook that in Leposavic there was an assassination attempt against Marko Jablanovic, a member of Nenad Rashic’s party.

The author has the Scorpions type weapon with which he was going to commit the assassination blocked.

He also accused Belgrade of being behind the incident.

“The tragic event did not happen because the attacker’s automatic weapon of the type “Scorpion” failed. There is no doubt that the Belgrade regime is behind the assassination, as well as Radoicic and local cowboys Slavko Simic and Zoran Todic… I also want to acquaint you with the events that took place before the election of Apo 2. It is widely known that Marko and I supported Aleksandar Jabllanovic for to bring the necessary changes to Leposavic”, writes Radomirovic.

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